How to Pack a Kayak for a Camping Trip

Kayaking and camping are two of the most thrilling outdoor activities that you can engage in. Combining the two creates a unique adventure that will leave you with unforgettable memories. However, packing for such a trip can be quite challenging, especially if you are a novice.

It’s essential to pack your kayak efficiently to ensure that you have everything you need and avoid clutter. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to pack a kayak for a camping trip.

Pack a Kayak for a Camping Trip

Way to Pack a Kayak for a Camping

Choose the right kayak

The first step in packing for a kayaking camping trip is selecting the right kayak. The type of kayak you choose will determine how much gear you can carry. For example, a sit-on-top kayak has more storage space than a traditional kayak. Consider the kayak’s weight capacity, size, and stability before making a purchase.

Plan your route

Before you start packing, plan your route and identify the campsites along the way. This will help you determine the amount of food, water, and supplies you need to carry. You can also use the campsites as rest stops and refuel before proceeding to the next destination.

Prioritize your gear

When packing your kayak, it’s essential to prioritize your gear. Pack items that are essential first, such as food, water, and safety equipment. This will help you avoid clutter and ensure that you have everything you need in case of an emergency.


Pack non-perishable food items that can last for the duration of your trip. Consider foods that are easy to prepare, such as canned goods, energy bars, and dried fruits. Pack enough food to last for the entire trip and include some extra rations in case of an emergency.


Pack enough water to last for the entire trip. You can carry water in a hydration system or a water bottle. Consider using a water filter or purifying tablets to clean water from natural sources such as rivers and lakes.

Safety equipment

Safety equipment is essential when going on a kayaking camping trip. Pack a first-aid kit, a whistle, a flashlight, and a personal flotation device (PFD). These items will come in handy in case of an emergency.

Use dry bags

Dry bags are essential when packing for a kayaking camping trip. These bags are waterproof and will protect your gear from getting wet. Pack your clothes, sleeping bag, and other items that can get wet in dry bags.

Pack efficiently

When packing your kayak, pack the heaviest items at the bottom of the kayak, close to the center of gravity. This will help stabilize the kayak and make it easier to maneuver. Pack the lighter items at the top and on the sides.

Secure your gear

After packing your kayak, secure your gear to prevent it from shifting during the trip. Use bungee cords, tie-down straps, or ropes to secure your gear to the kayak. This will prevent your gear from falling off or getting lost during the trip.

Test your gear

Before embarking on your kayaking camping trip, test your gear to ensure that everything is working correctly. Check your kayak for leaks, test your stove, and make sure that all your safety equipment is in good condition.

To know more: Top 11 Best Tents for Kayak Camping


How do I know which kayak is right for me?

You should consider factors such as your weight, size, skill level, and the type of water you will be kayaking on when selecting a kayak.

How much food should I pack for a kayaking camping trip?

You should pack enough food to last for the entire trip, plus some extra rations in case of an emergency.

How do I pack my clothes for a kayaking camping trip?

Pack your clothes in dry bags to protect them from getting wet.

How do I prevent my gear from shifting during the trip?

Use bungee cords, tie-down straps, or ropes to secure your gear to the kayak.

Can I bring my dog on a kayaking camping trip?

Yes, you can bring your dog on a kayaking camping trip, but you should pack enough food and water for your dog and ensure that your dog wears a PFD at all times.


Packing for a kayaking camping trip can be quite challenging, but with the right planning and organization, you can make the process more manageable. Prioritize your gear, pack efficiently, and secure your gear to prevent it from shifting during the trip. Remember to test your gear before embarking on your adventure to avoid any mishaps.

Choosing the right kayak, planning your route, prioritizing your gear, using dry bags, packing efficiently, securing your gear, and testing your gear are essential steps in packing for a kayaking camping trip. Follow these tips, and you will be sure to have a memorable and enjoyable adventure.

Learn more: Top 5 Kayak Camping Destinations

Anthony Arroyo

Anthony is a passionate outdoor enthusiast with a love for adventure and exploring the great outdoors. With years of experience hiking, camping, and rafting, he has a wealth of knowledge to share with others. Anthony’s writing captures the essence of his experiences, offering readers insights into some of the most beautiful and breathtaking landscapes in the world. Follow his journey and join the conversation as he continues to share his passion for the great outdoors.