The Ultimate Guide to Hot Tent Camping: What You Need to Know

Hot tent camping is a unique and thrilling way to experience the great outdoors. Unlike traditional camping, hot tent camping involves setting up a tent with a stove or heater to provide warmth and comfort in even the coldest of temperatures.

If you’re looking for a new adventure and want to experience camping like never before, then hot tenting is the way to go. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started on your hot camping journey.

What Is A Hot Tent?

Pomoly HEX Plus Hot Tent

A hot tent is a type of camping tent that includes a built-in stove for heating and cooking. The stove is typically a small, lightweight, portable wood-burning stove that is placed inside the tent. The stovepipe is directed through the roof of the tent to allow smoke and heat to escape, while the tent provides shelter from the elements.

Hot tents are popular with winter campers and hunters who require a warm, dry place to stay in cold and harsh conditions. They provide a comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional camping tents and can be used in various outdoor settings, including forests, mountains, and snow-covered landscapes.

What is Hot Tent Camping?

Hot tent stove

Hot tent camping is a type of camping that involves setting up a tent with a stove or other heat source to provide warmth and comfort. The tent is typically made of a heavy-duty material that can withstand high temperatures, such as canvas or nylon, and is equipped with a chimney or flue to vent smoke and heat outside.

The Benefits of Hot Tent Camping

There are many benefits, including:

Comfort: With a warm and cozy shelter, you can enjoy the great outdoors in comfort, even in colder temperatures.

Safety: A stove or heater provides heat, light, and a source of warmth, making hot tent camping a safer option than traditional camping in colder temperatures.

Increased adventure: Hot tenting offers a unique and thrilling way to experience the great outdoors, allowing you to explore new places and try new things.

Couple camping with a hot tent in the forest

What You Need to Get Started for Hot Tenting

Before you hit the great outdoors, there are a few essential items you need to have to ensure a successful hot tenting trip.


The most important item you will need is a tent. Look for a heavy-duty tent made of canvas or nylon that can withstand high temperatures. A tent with a stove jack, which is a hole specifically designed for a stove pipe, is also recommended.


A stove is the heart of your comfortable camping setup. There are several options available, including wood-burning stoves and propane stoves. Wood-burning stoves are more traditional, while propane stoves are more convenient and require less maintenance.


Depending on the type of stove you choose, you will need a source of fuel. For a wood-burning stove, you will need firewood, while propane stoves require propane canisters.

Sleeping Gear

In addition to a tent and stove, you will also need sleeping gear, such as a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillow. Look for gear that is warm, comfortable, and suitable for the conditions you will be camping in.

How to Set Up Your Hot Tent

Setting up your hot tent can seem intimidating, but it’s actually a relatively simple process. Here’s how to do it:

Choose a location: Look for a flat and level area that is free of debris and has good ventilation.

Set up your tent: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set up your tent, making sure to secure all stakes and guy lines.

Install your stove: Insert your stove pipe through the stove jack in the tent and secure it in place.

Light your stove: Light your stove according to the manufacturer’s instructions, making sure to follow all safety precautions.

Enjoy your hot tent: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the warmth and comfort of your hot tent.

Settings up hot tent

Safety Tips for Hot Tent Camping

Camping can be safe and enjoyable as long as you follow a few simple safety tips:

Use only approved fuels: Only use approved fuels for your stove or heater, and make sure to store fuel away from your tent.

Keep flammable materials away from your stove: Make sure to keep flammable materials, such as sleeping bags and clothing, away from your stove to prevent fire.

Ventilate your tent: Make sure to keep your tent well-ventilated to avoid carbon monoxide buildup.

Keep a fire extinguisher handy: Make sure to bring a fire extinguisher and know how to use it in case of an emergency.

Follow manufacturer’s instructions: Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your stove or heater to ensure safe and proper use.

FAQs About Hot Tenting

Here are some common questions and answers about hot tenting:

What is the difference between hot tent camping and traditional camping?

The main difference between hot tent camping and traditional camping is the use of a stove or heater to provide warmth and comfort. Hot tenting allows you to camp in colder temperatures and enjoy the great outdoors in comfort.

Can I use any tent for hot tent camping?

No, you need to use a tent that is specifically designed for hot tent camping, with a stove jack for your stove pipe.

Is hot tent camping safe?

Yes, it’s safe as long as you follow safety precautions, such as using only approved fuels, keeping flammable materials away from your stove, ventilating your tent, keeping a fire extinguisher handy, and following the manufacturer’s instructions for your stove or heater.

Can I cook in my hot tent?

Yes, you can cook in your hot tent using a camping stove or other camping cooking equipment. Just make sure to keep flammable materials away from your stove and follow all safety precautions.

Can hot tent camping be done in any weather conditions?

Yes, It’s can be done in a variety of weather conditions, as long as you have the proper gear and setup. However, it is important to always check local weather conditions and fire restrictions before heading out on a camping trip.

Can hot tent camping be done solo?

Yes, hot tenting can be done solo. However, it is recommended to have at least one other person with you in case of an emergency.

What is the best type of stove for hot tent camping?

The best type of stove for hot tenting depends on personal preference and the conditions in which you will be camping. Wood-burning stoves are more traditional and provide a cozy, natural feel, while propane stoves are more convenient and require less maintenance.

Can a hot tent be used for backpacking?

Yes, hot tents can be used for backpacking, as long as they are lightweight and compact. However, it is important to consider the added weight of the stove and fuel when packing for a backpacking trip.

Final thoughts

Hot tenting is a unique and thrilling way to experience the great outdoors. With the right gear and a few simple safety tips, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a hot tent in the middle of nature. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a beginner, this ultimate guide will help you get started on your next adventure. So pack your gear, choose a location, and get ready for an unforgettable camping experience!

To know more: Most popular hot tenting destination in the US

Anthony Arroyo

Anthony is a passionate outdoor enthusiast with a love for adventure and exploring the great outdoors. With years of experience hiking, camping, and rafting, he has a wealth of knowledge to share with others. Anthony’s writing captures the essence of his experiences, offering readers insights into some of the most beautiful and breathtaking landscapes in the world. Follow his journey and join the conversation as he continues to share his passion for the great outdoors.